Friday, November 12, 2010

A Council Of Wizards Form...

Hey Everyone, So, I don't think WWIII is starting! WOOOOO! :) Basically, though, a few wizards are gathering for a meeting, or a council. When the WWII Treaty was made, Nicholas LionRider broke the 2nd rule of agreement. I don't have acess to the Treaty at the very moment, but it basically says that all wizards that sign must respect other wizards. Yeah, and what he said was total disrespect yo (or as Mary DreamShade would say, "OOOOOOO, DIS BURN, TOTAL DISRESPECT YO FO SHOW!" heh heh). But yeah, so, the Treaty says that if the rules where ever broken by any of the signing members, a council would form to decide the fate of the wizard. Ooh, dramatic! *Plays organ*. So, a bunch of us wizards are going to form the council via Skype to discuss what should be done. If you want you voice heard on the matter, you can either: a) Comment b) Join the conersation (You don't need a mic. In fact, I'm not even sure if it will be a call; it might just be a chat). So far the people that I know will definitely by there: 1. Me of course (Luke GoldHorn) 2. Mary DreamShade 3. Rogue Sorcerer Well, as for Rogue, I know we WANT him there, but I don't know if and when he can make it. See, there are two other people that me and Mary (who is about the most balanced on this ;D) are thinking about inviting, who are Cassandra LifeCaster and Amber RosePetal. Technically, they signed the treaty. But both are two extremes of the oppisite side. For example, Amber is a really good friend of Nicholas LionRider. Because of this (and this was proven in WWII), Amber is known to be very protective of her friends. Not that that is a bad trait; it makes Amber an awesome person. But if Nick doesn't recieve the proper concequences, it may lead to History repeating itself, as it has. With Cassandra LifeCaster, she may get a bit too harsh. She is known to get carried away with things and get too far. But honestly, if I had to choose, I would want Cassandra, because she was in the same postion as me when WWII happened. I don't mean anything about this, and I hope this hurts no one's feelings; I mean, let's face it, Amber is probably going to be there. Anyway, I gotta go. More on this later. See ya in the Spiral, P.D. *Wanna enter my contest? CLICK ME!*


  1. Gotcha! I almost started it too ( you'll see what I mean when I almost lost it on Twitter today - I'm a LOT like Cass, but in terms of curiousity/impatience ). Some people just overuse the responsibility of free speech but ANYWAY I'll shut up now xD ( great, now I somehow have to focus on Math )

  2. everyone please read my blog I am really sry Luke I know you can't forgive me and I agree as far as Amber

  3. I would join for this one, but I think *protective* side of me would come along.. yeah not a good idea to let me have word on it. I'll listen, though. Not saying a word. Seriously, next time let me know about something like this..

  4. I agree with Arlen, and so true I have to focus on revising for my math exam haha. Anyways back on topic. I will be there simply because well I am part of the council and thanks for mentioning me :D I feel special and also I was one of the main people in the WW2. Soo...

    Oh and also Luke can you tell me or show me what exactly he said so I can review it because I logged on skype and Nick just blurted it out and I was like Huh?! O.o

  5. hey! can i join? i am friends with amber rosepetal whos friends with mary dreamshade (or shady)
    though idk LOL
