Friday, December 10, 2010

Every Little Ting...

Hey Everyone,

So, if you happen to be Cassandra LifeCaster, Cassandra GriffinDreamer, Ben FrogStone, David TitanRider, or Amber RosePetal, you would know that I had a bad week this week. But Bob Marley and Bobby Mcferrin have seized my heart. They can really cheer some one up ya know :)

Yeah, whenever I hear these Reggae songs (especially this one), I think Caribbean. Why? You really want to know? Fine, fine, I'll tell you.

So, a few years back when my family had more money, we used to go on vacations to the Caribbean all the time. Well, this one time, I met this girl. We were, like, perfect for each other (this was when I was about twelve). So, yeah, we hung out the whole time we were there. I felt like I was in paradise.

But of course, sadly enough, vacations don't last forever. So, on the last night I was going to see her, the hotel was having a tiki-party type of thing, and we hung out all that night. The last time we saw each other and danced together, it was this song that played (By this song, I mean "Don;t Worry, Be Happy"). And ever since, I always think of her when I hear it; not that she probably remembers me or anything.

Anyway, yeah, we also both gave each other an item so we wouldn't forget each other. I gave her a shark necklace I'd had since I was about five. She found some fancy paper and a frame and wrote my name in Mandarin. And last night, I took the frame apart to examine the paper, and I found a letter that I'd never seen before. It said how she would miss me, and that she hoped we would meet again some day. It had me hysterically crying (Wow P.D, get a life bro).

Anyway, enough of my sappy love stories. I've had a bad week, so for those who feel the same way, there's a little tunage to hopefully cheer you up :)

See you in the Spiral, and Happy Gardening,



  1. Oh. My. Goodness. That story about the letter hidden in the picture frame almost made cry. I wonder if she knew when she hid it in there that you wouldn't find it for a long time.

  2. Oh. My. Goodness. That story about the letter hidden in the picture frame so sweet. Do you think she planned for you to find it so many years later?
